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Jess Kobayashi

Jess was born in Edmonton, Alberta and eventually relocated to BC in order to escape the dire winters. She can most often be found lost in a song, running mountain trails, walking Aki, boxing, or writing.  She has almost never met a rule not worth bending, and dislikes thinking in boxes. Jess has never taken the easy (or conventional) way. Bukowski is one of her favourite writers, and it is worth noting that if she doesn't want to be found, you most assuredly won't. She does however, love plays on words and will build you a spectacular literary amusement park, if only you catch her on her most recent mad dash across this century. Jess suffers from chronic fatigue, migraines, and often life in general. She doesn't know how to play poker, but has been known to Bet it All on Vegas; she remains, secretly, a romantic at heart.


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