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  • Writer's pictureLuis Carlo Parga

Company Culture: A Company of Culture

Founded in 2019, AOS is a Montreal-based publishing house dedicated to its mission of bringing quality publications to Canada, and to the world. AOS’s passionate team of publishers, artists, and digital experts strive to make a lasting impression on our readers, as well as on the Canadian literary landscape. Every member of AOS's highly motivated team maximally contributes his or her individual talents to the firm. The result: a culture that marries well-rounded professionalism and artistic integrity.

AOS respects, but is not married to the conventional wisdom of the publishing industry. Rather, we are always looking for ways to push the frontier, and to take publishing beyond the 21st century.

We realize there are challenges threatening both the publishing industry, and the authors who fuel it. Self-publishing has become idiot proof, though the consequences of this trend are still manifesting. The modern artist is overwhelmed by the demands of self-marketing. And as for the content being published… We can all agree, every viable industry must undergo some sort of quality control.

With AOS, we take care of the details, so that our authors can maximize their time honing their craft, and creating. We know that authors pour their heart and soul into their work, and we hold artistic integrity in the absolute highest regard. The quality of the work, and the satisfaction of both its consumer and creator are our biggest priorities.

Why Work With AOS Publishing?

AOS offers the unique opportunity for creative liberty and innovation, as we strive to bring our readers only the best in intellectually stimulating entertainment.

Based in Montreal, QC, AOS creates unique and captivating publications by Canadian authors.

What Does it All Mean?

AOS stands for Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is one of the most powerful cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes power, the righteous intellect, and the inevitability of success. With power, however, comes responsibility. Because from power, follows peril. Thus is the double-edged nature of the sword. To risk is necessary to overcome. To risk is necessary to be rewarded. To yield the sword valiantly, and to walk bravely into the night, with only the moon’s glare upon the sword’s steel to light the path forward. This is what we stand for. We are AOS, and we’d like to welcome you to the movement.

IG Handle: @lcpublisher

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